If you can and care to remember back to 2009 and Obama’s Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) program, you might recall that vehicles traded in under this program were required to head to the scrap yard. To insure that, dealers or mechanics took steps to permanently disable the engine. Specifically, they would drain the oil and and replace with a mix of saltwater and silica (sand) and then run/rev the engine until it seized, essentially creating a useless “brick” on wheels.
Fast forward to today, “Bidenomics” seems to have done much the same for the country’s economic engine. Although seemingly running just fine by metrics of the stock market, the administrations’ policies are in the process of draining the “oil” from that economic engine, literally. The replacement, a slurry of unvetted dependent migrants including unknown terrorists and lethal drugs including Fentanyl and worse Carfentanil will potentially ultimately seize and completely disable the economic engine of our nation! Criminal?
Ironically, the financial beneficiaries this time around are not the citizen “sellers” of the clunkers but the external interests responsible for pouring the slurry of harmful elements across America’s open boarders and into the crankcase of the economic engine our citizens as well as the world depends on.
To date Americans have been harmed but, the full effects of “reving” the economic engine are yet to be felt. One thing is clear however; irreversible damage has been done! America and Americans must realize the sacrifice that will be required to make the best out of a bad situation. It has been done before and with the right choices can be done again.
ENTERTAINMENT – YouTube John Stossel on Cash for Clunkers